Harmony Day Mindful Hearts
Harmony Day is a day where we celebrate our cultural diversity here in Australia. The message of Harmony Day is, 'Everyone Belongs'. It is a day when we are 'mindful' of the wonderful fact that we have so many cultures and backgrounds living here in Australia making this an amazing place to live. It allows us to experience new things, share ideas, gain knowledge and be more innovative.
Every art decision the students have made in their Mindful Heart creations, are to promote the message of Harmony Day and the feelings you have or actions you take when you feel like you belong, are valued and accepted no matter what your background.
Our line and shape choices are aimed to promote feelings of calmness, positivity and belonging.
Our colour choices promote our individuality while also working together harmoniously. They also represent feelings of love, peace, celebration and happiness as well as the official colour of Harmony Day, orange.
Our individual hearts work together to make one beautiful big heart.
We hope you enjoyed our Harmony Day Mindful Hearts Art Installation while you took a 'mindful moment' to reflect on how amazing it is to be living in such a wonderful country.
Happy Harmony Day!