One Point Perspective Seascapes
Year Five classes have done amazing work creating the illusion of depth using one point perspective. They first drew a horizon line and placed a vanishing point, also known as a diminishing point, on it. Using two curved lines they created sections for the water, sand and land.
Using water colour paints, they added colour and value to the sand and sky. they then painted the water and land so as to cover all the white, ready for the next step.
They painted the water using acrylic paint and brush strokes to represent the waves of the ocean. touches of sea spray or breaking waves were added using a fan brush. The land was painted with trees, starting small at the horizon line, overlapping and gradually getting larger as they worked their way down the page. Touches of yellow were added to represent the sunlight reflecting off the leaves.
The final result were beautiful seascapes I certainly would love to be relaxing on over our school holidays!