Year 1

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

 Painting in the Negative with Year Six!

Year Six classes used Disney's 'Tangled' character portraits from the choir song, 'I've Got A Dream' as their subjects for their fantastic artworks.

They looked at the personality of their chosen character and created a background with hidden images and words that represented their character's dream or hidden personality. They then painted over the background with colours they also felt reflected their character.

Using a printed image, they identified the main lines of their portrait and drew it onto their background using chalk - just incase they needed to adjust any lines. The portrait lines were painted black with students ensuring they were solid black lines.

The portrait became the focus, or subject, of their artwork (positive space). The background (negative space) was painted in a diluted colour, further highlighting their character's portrait.

Finally, students added shadows and highlights (value) to areas of their character using the dry brush painting technique.