Year 1

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

 Children's Week Book Project 2020 Success!

This year several classes participated in a statewide collaborative book project, presented by Meerilinga Young Children's Foundation, open to children aged 0-12 in Western Australia. The project invited WA children to connect, create and explore Children's Rights in a creative story made by children, for children.

Three books were complied by Fremantle based children's author Briony Stewart, 'Playing and Resting', 'When I Grow Up' and 'The Word for Home'.

I am so proud to announce that from nearly 800 submissions, Wattle Grove PS had 19 students represented in all three books.

The students will be awarded with their own copy of the book they are featured in at the final assembly for the year in Week 9. The school library and art room have also received their own copies of all three books for students to enjoy.

Congratulations to all who participated in this fabulous collaboration and a super congratulations to the following students whose words or illustrations have been included in one of the books.

From Room 32 - Ethan, Priscilla and Preksha

From Room 25 - Ashvanth and April

From Room 26 - Lucas, Griffin, Taylor, Jeel and Redwan

From Room 22 - Kyan, Aliston, Alysha, Raj, Rosie and Angelina

From Room 31 - Paige, Cohen and Blake